Akuntan Register Negara D. 50.867
Supervisor Auditor pada Kantor Akuntan Publik SWD & Rekan
Butuh Jasa atestasi dan Service Tel. 087852832767 Email: rusbudijono@Ymail.com
Apakah yang dimaksut kesejahteraan?,
membahas kesejahteraan, tentu harus diketahui dahulu tentang pengertian kesejahteraan.
Sejahtera menurut W.J.S Poerwadarimta adalah ‘aman, sentosa, dan makmur’.
Sehingga arti kesejahteraan itu meliputi kemanan, keselamatan dan
kemakmuran.[1] Dalam arti sempit, kata sosial menyangkut sector kesejahteraan
sosial sebagai suatu bidang atau bagian dari pembangunan sosial atau
kesejahteraan rakyat yang bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kualitas kehidupan
manusia, terutama yang dikatagorikan sebagai kelompok yang tidak beruntung dan
kelompok rentan. Yaitu hal yang menyangkut program-program atau
pelayanan-pelayanan sosial untuk mengatasi masalah-masalah sosial seperti,
kemiskinana, ketelantaran, ketidakberfungsian fisik dan psikis, tuna sosial,
tuna susila dan kenakalan remaja[2]
sosial memiliki arti kepada keadaan yang baik, kebahagiaan dan kemakmuran,
banyak orang yang menamainya sebagai kegiatan amal. Di Amerika serikat
kesejahteraan sosial juga diartikan sebagai bantuan public yang dilakukan
pemerintah bagi keluarga miskin dan anak-anak mereka. Para pakar ilmu sosial
mendefinisikan kesejahteraan sosial dengan tinggi rendahnya tingkat hidup
Segel dan Bruzy (1998:8), “Kesejahteraan sosial adalah kondisi sejahtera dari
suatu masyarakat. Kesejahteraan sosial meliputi kesehatan, keadaan ekonomi,
kebahagiaan, dan kualitas hidup rakyat”. Sedangkan Wilensky dan Lebeaux (1965:138)
merumuskan kesejahteraan sosial sebagai sistem yang terorganisasi dari
pelayanan-pelayanan dan lembaga-lembaga sosial, yang dirancang untuk membantu
individu-individu dan kelompok-kelompok agar mencapai tingkat hidup dan
kesehatan yang memuaskan. Maksudnya agar tercipta hubungan-hubungan personal
dan sosial yang memberi kesempatan kepada individu-individu pengembangan
kemampuan-kemampuan mereka seluas-luasnya dan meningkatkan kesejahteraan mereka
sesuai dengan kebutuhan-kebutuhan masyarakat. Sedangkan menurut Midgley
(1995:14) Kondisi kesejahteraan sosial diciptakan atas kompromi tiga elemen.
Pertama, sejauh mana masalah-masalah sosial ini diatur, kedua sejauh mana
kebutuhan-kebutuhan dipenuhi, ketiga sejauh mana kesempatan untuk meningkatkan
taraf hidup dapat disediakan.[4]
sosial adalah keseluruhan usaha sosial yang terorganisir dan mempunyai tujuan
utama untuk meningkatkan taraf hidup masyarakat berdasarkan konteks sosialnya.
Di dalamnya tercakup pula unsur kebijakan dan pelayanan dalam arti luas yang
terkait dengan berbagai kehidupan dalam masyarakat, seperti pendapatan, jaminan
sosial, kesehatan, perumahan, pendidikan, rekreasi, budaya, dan sebagainya.
Salah satu landasan hukum yang dijadikan acuan adalah undang-undang nomor 6 tahun
1974 tentang ketentuan-ketentuan pokok kesejahteraan sosial. Dalam penjelasan
umum ditetapkan bahwa “lapangan kesejahteraan sosial adalah sangat luas dan
kompleks, mencakup antara lain, aspek-aspek pendidikan, kesehatan, agama,
tenaga kerja, kesejahteraan sosial (dalam arti sempit), dll ”. Hal ini sesuai
dengan pendapat Kamerman dan Kahn (1979) yang menjelaskan 6 komponen atau
subsistem dan kesejahteraan sosial, yaitu : (1) pendidikan, (2) kesehatan, (3)
pemeliharaan penghasilan, (4) pelayanan kerja, (5) perumahan, (6) pelayanan
sosial personal[5].
pola dasar kesejahteraan sosial (Balatbangsos, 2003), bahwa hakikat pembangunan
kesejahteraan sosial adalah upaya peningkatan kualitas kesejahteraan sosial
perorangan, kelompok, dan komunitas masyarakat yang memiliki harkat dan
martabat, dimana setiap orang mampu mengambil peran dan menjalankan fungsinya
dalam kehidupan.
Empat Pilar
membangun kesejahteraan di lingkungan BPPKB Provinsi Jawa Timur.
yang dimaksut empat pilar membangun
kesejahteraan dilingkungan BPPKB provinsi Jawa Timur?
Yang saya maksud empat pilar membangun kesejahteraan dilingkungan BPPKB Prov adalah keseimbangan dan pemerataan kesejahteraan dimana hakikat pembangunan kesejahteraan sosial adalah upaya peningkatan kualitas kesejahteraan sosial perorangan, kelompok, dan komunitas masyarakat yang memiliki harkat dan martabat, dimana setiap orang mampu mengambil peran dan menjalankan fungsinya dalam kehidupan sesuai tugas dan fungsinya, diantaraNYA empat pilar tersebut:
11. Pejabat dilingkunan
22. Staf dan Pelaksana
33. Tenaga honorer, atau tenaga kontrak BPPKB
44. Pegawai yang di pihak ketigakan.
Dari kempat komponen tersebut harus ada keseimbangan dan kesetaraan
kesejahteraan, keseimbangan antara hak
dan kewajiban, yang disebutkan dalam buku pendapat
Kamerman dan Kahn (1979) yang menjelaskan 6 komponen atau subsistem dan
kesejahteraan sosial, yaitu : (1) pendidikan, (2) kesehatan, (3) pemerataan
penghasilan, (4) pelayanan kerja, (5) perumahan, (6) pelayanan sosial personal.
Pekka terhadap lingkungannya, terutama dalam memikirkan kesejahteraan bersama (
tidak hanya memikirkan sendiri ). Ia harus segera membangun
kesejahteraan dan penambahan penghasilan bagi anak buahnya agar seluruh staf
nya mampu mengasilkan output yang besar
dengan berkualitas memadai.
modal yang besar bagi pimpinan, karena keberhasilan Pimpinan bukan disebabkan
karena pimpinan yang hebat akan tetapi karena mempunyai staf yang mempuni
sehingga pimpinan yang mengarahkan bisa mencapai keberhasilan sesuai tujuan
organisasi, karena itu sudah sepatutnya jika pimpinan senantiasa memikirkan
kesejahteraan stafnya.
Honorer dan Tenaga kontrak merupakan tenaga bantu bagi Pelaksana, karena itu
kesejahteraannya perlu diperhatikan, Tenaga Kontrak ini sangat membutuhkan
perhatian, terutama tenaga kontrak yang potensial, dari sudut penghasilannya
baru sampai dengan Upah Minimal Regional, atau untuk jawa Timur Rp. 1.300.000.
Tenaga kerja yang diPihak ketigakan ini sangat murah dan parah
dilingkungan BPPKB, padahal pemerintah telah menetapkan Upah Minimum UMR sebesar Rp. 1.300.000,-
Agar Tenaga kerja yang Dipihak ketigakan dapat bekerja dengan baik
dengan output yang besar maka harus diperhatikan kesejahterannya.
Tenaga kerja yang
dipihak ketigakan sebaiknya tidak perlu ditenderkan.
Tenaga kerja yang
dipihak ketigakan penganggarannya sudah seyogyanya jika dianggarkan per
personel sebesar Rp. 2.000.000,- agar setelah dipotong pajak, obat obatan, jasa
CV, dan potongan lain lain bisa sampai kepada yang bersangkutan sebesar UMR Rp.
1.300.000 artinya jika mereka bisa dibayar dengan sebesar UMR seperti yang
ditetapkan Pemerintah berarti mereka bisa hidup dengan layak sesuai upah minimal.
Permasalahan saat ini adalah seringkali dalam penganggaran tidak konsisten dan kurang
b berpihak kepada mereka, hanya dianggarkan Rp. 1.300.000,- saja padahal mereka dipihak ketigakan, sehingga gaji tenaga kerja yang dipihak ketigakan hanya berkisar antara Rp. 400.000 sd Rp. 600.000 saja , dan selilisih dari gaji UMR yang ditetapkan pemerintah berkisar antara (Rp. 700.000-Rp. 900.000). Selisih sebesar tersebut diambil untuk jasa pemborong, pembelian obat kebersihan, pajak, ongkos tender dlll.
Dampak dari hal tersebut pemborong tidak dapat menggaji pegawainya sebesar Rp. 1.300.000 sesuai UMR yang ditetapkan pemerintah, Oleh karena itu sudah sepatutnya tenaga kontrak yang dipihak ketigakan ini menjadi perhatian kita bersama karena kehidupannya sangat miskin dan susah, perlu diadakan perbaikan dalam penganggaran.
Untuk meningkatkan kesejahteraan Menurut saya upaya yang harus kita lakukan dilingkungan BPPKB adalah:
Permasalahan saat ini adalah seringkali dalam penganggaran tidak konsisten dan kurang
b berpihak kepada mereka, hanya dianggarkan Rp. 1.300.000,- saja padahal mereka dipihak ketigakan, sehingga gaji tenaga kerja yang dipihak ketigakan hanya berkisar antara Rp. 400.000 sd Rp. 600.000 saja , dan selilisih dari gaji UMR yang ditetapkan pemerintah berkisar antara (Rp. 700.000-Rp. 900.000). Selisih sebesar tersebut diambil untuk jasa pemborong, pembelian obat kebersihan, pajak, ongkos tender dlll.
Dampak dari hal tersebut pemborong tidak dapat menggaji pegawainya sebesar Rp. 1.300.000 sesuai UMR yang ditetapkan pemerintah, Oleh karena itu sudah sepatutnya tenaga kontrak yang dipihak ketigakan ini menjadi perhatian kita bersama karena kehidupannya sangat miskin dan susah, perlu diadakan perbaikan dalam penganggaran.
Untuk meningkatkan kesejahteraan Menurut saya upaya yang harus kita lakukan dilingkungan BPPKB adalah:
- Koperasi harus dibangun dengan perizinan usaha yang komplit, sehingga pengadaan barang, pengadaan komsumsi, pembangunan, pertokoan,rehabilitasi, pemeliharaan, kantin, unit simpan pinjam,Pengadaan dan Pembangunan rumah pegawai, dll bisa dikerjakan koperasi yang hasilnya bisa digunakan untuk kesejateraan anggota.
- Unit UPT BPPKB Prov Jatim yang bisa menghasilkan uang harus dibangun, unit unit UPT yang harus dibangun diantaranya adalah:
- UPT Pemberdayaan Perempuan dengan membuka Unit pelayanan kecantikan, Unit UPT Salon dan Kebugaran, Unit UPT penanganan kekerasan perempuan, Unit UPT Pendidikan dan pelatihan,
- Unit UPT pelayanan Keluarga Berencana dan klinik kesehatan Unit unit UPT lainnya yang menghasilkan Dinas BPPKB
- Meningkatkan system pengandalian Internal yang memadai, agar dana dana yang bersifat……… bisa dinikmati bersama.
- . Organisasi Korpri BPPKB Prov Jatim Harus maju dan jalan, dalam semua kegiatan dan program untuk meningkatkan kesejahteraan PNS BPPKB.
- . Mengajukan Dana Funding ke Manca Negara, untuk pembangunan kemanuasiaan dan pemberantasan kemiskinan BPPKB prov jatim
By: Drs. Ec. Rus Budijono. MM. Akuntan., IFRS
Akuntan Register Negara D. 50.867
Supervisor Auditor pada Kantor Akuntan Publik SWD & Rekan
Butuh Jasa atestasi dan Service Tel. 087852832767 Email: rusbudijono@Ymail.com
Dalam bahasa Inggris:
-------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------
Presented By: Drs. Ec. Rus Budijono. MM. Accountants., IFRS
State Register of Accountants D. 50,867
Supervisor Auditor at Public Accounting Firm SWD & Partners
Need attestation services and Service Tel. 087852832767 Email: rusbudijono@Ymail.com
What is welfare?,
In discussing welfare, would have to know first about the sense of well-being. Prosperous according Poerwadarimta WJS is 'safe, tranquil, and prosperous'. So the meaning of well-being that includes security, safety and prosperity. [1] In a narrow sense, the word concerning social welfare sector as a field or a part of the social or welfare which aims to improve the quality of human life, especially those that are not categorized as a group fortunate and vulnerable groups. That matters relating to programs or social services to address social problems such as, kemiskinana, neglect, physical and psychological malfunction, social tuna, prostitutes and juvenile delinquency [2]
Social Welfare has a good sense of the state, happiness and prosperity, many people are named as charity. In the United States social welfare also be interpreted as the government's public assistance for poor families and their children. Social scientists define social welfare with high and low levels of life [3]
According to Segel and Bruzy (1998:8), "Social welfare is a good situation of a society. Social welfare includes health, economic circumstances, happiness and quality of life of the people ". While Wilensky and Lebeaux (1965:138) defines social welfare as an organized system of services and social institutions, which are designed to assist individuals and groups in order to achieve the level of living and satisfactory health. The idea to create personal relationships and social giving opportunities to individuals developing their abilities as possible and improve their well-being in accordance with the needs of the community. Meanwhile, according to Midgley (1995:14) social welfare conditions are created on a compromise three elements. First, the extent to which social problems are regulated, both the extent to which needs are met, a third degree to which the opportunity to improve the standard of living can be provided. [4]
Social welfare is the overall social enterprises are organized and have the ultimate goal to improve the lives of people based on their social context. It includes also elements of policy and services in the broad sense associated with a variety of life in the community, such as income, social security, health, housing, education, recreation, culture, and so on. One of the referenced legal basis is Law No. 6 of 1974 concerning the provisions of the principal social welfare. In the general description specified that "the field of social welfare is very broad and complex, including among others, the issues of education, health, religion, labor, social welfare (in the narrow sense), etc.". This is in accordance with the opinion Kamerman and Kahn (1979) which describes the six components or subsystems and social welfare, namely: (1) education, (2) health, (3) income maintenance, (4) employment services, (5) housing, (6) personal social services [5].
In the archetype of social welfare (Balatbangsos, 2003), that the essence of social welfare development is improving the quality of social welfare of individuals, groups, and communities who have dignity, that every person is able to take on the role and its function in life.
Four Pillars BPPKB build prosperity in the province of East Java.
What is four pillars to build prosperity within the province of East Java BPPKB?
What I mean by the four pillars of building prosperity Prov BPPKB environment is the balance and distribution of welfare which is the essence of social welfare development efforts to improve the quality of social welfare of individuals, groups, and communities with pride and dignity, in which everyone can take part and its function in the life appropriate duties and functions, including the four pillars:
11. Officials dilingkunan BPPKB,
22. Staff and Executive
33. Temporary employees or contract workers BPPKB
44. Employees at the ketigakan.
The four components of balance and equality must be the welfare, the balance between rights and obligations, which are described in the opinion Kamerman and Kahn (1979) which explains the 6 components or subsystems and social welfare, namely: (1) education, (2) health, (3) equity income, (4) employment services, (5) housing, (6) personal social services.
Should Pekka its environment, especially in thinking about the common good (not just thinking about myself). He must quickly build wealth and increase income to his men that all his staff were able mengasilkan large output with adequate quality.
Is a large capital for the leadership, because leadership is not successful due to great leadership, but because mempuni has a staff that led the drive to achieve success according to the organization's goals, because it is fitting if the leader is always thinking about the welfare of his staff.
-------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------
Presented By: Drs. Ec. Rus Budijono. MM. Accountants., IFRS
State Register of Accountants D. 50,867
Supervisor Auditor at Public Accounting Firm SWD & Partners
Need attestation services and Service Tel. 087852832767 Email: rusbudijono@Ymail.com
What is welfare?,
In discussing welfare, would have to know first about the sense of well-being. Prosperous according Poerwadarimta WJS is 'safe, tranquil, and prosperous'. So the meaning of well-being that includes security, safety and prosperity. [1] In a narrow sense, the word concerning social welfare sector as a field or a part of the social or welfare which aims to improve the quality of human life, especially those that are not categorized as a group fortunate and vulnerable groups. That matters relating to programs or social services to address social problems such as, kemiskinana, neglect, physical and psychological malfunction, social tuna, prostitutes and juvenile delinquency [2]
Social Welfare has a good sense of the state, happiness and prosperity, many people are named as charity. In the United States social welfare also be interpreted as the government's public assistance for poor families and their children. Social scientists define social welfare with high and low levels of life [3]
According to Segel and Bruzy (1998:8), "Social welfare is a good situation of a society. Social welfare includes health, economic circumstances, happiness and quality of life of the people ". While Wilensky and Lebeaux (1965:138) defines social welfare as an organized system of services and social institutions, which are designed to assist individuals and groups in order to achieve the level of living and satisfactory health. The idea to create personal relationships and social giving opportunities to individuals developing their abilities as possible and improve their well-being in accordance with the needs of the community. Meanwhile, according to Midgley (1995:14) social welfare conditions are created on a compromise three elements. First, the extent to which social problems are regulated, both the extent to which needs are met, a third degree to which the opportunity to improve the standard of living can be provided. [4]
Social welfare is the overall social enterprises are organized and have the ultimate goal to improve the lives of people based on their social context. It includes also elements of policy and services in the broad sense associated with a variety of life in the community, such as income, social security, health, housing, education, recreation, culture, and so on. One of the referenced legal basis is Law No. 6 of 1974 concerning the provisions of the principal social welfare. In the general description specified that "the field of social welfare is very broad and complex, including among others, the issues of education, health, religion, labor, social welfare (in the narrow sense), etc.". This is in accordance with the opinion Kamerman and Kahn (1979) which describes the six components or subsystems and social welfare, namely: (1) education, (2) health, (3) income maintenance, (4) employment services, (5) housing, (6) personal social services [5].
In the archetype of social welfare (Balatbangsos, 2003), that the essence of social welfare development is improving the quality of social welfare of individuals, groups, and communities who have dignity, that every person is able to take on the role and its function in life.
Four Pillars BPPKB build prosperity in the province of East Java.
What is four pillars to build prosperity within the province of East Java BPPKB?
What I mean by the four pillars of building prosperity Prov BPPKB environment is the balance and distribution of welfare which is the essence of social welfare development efforts to improve the quality of social welfare of individuals, groups, and communities with pride and dignity, in which everyone can take part and its function in the life appropriate duties and functions, including the four pillars:
11. Officials dilingkunan BPPKB,
22. Staff and Executive
33. Temporary employees or contract workers BPPKB
44. Employees at the ketigakan.
The four components of balance and equality must be the welfare, the balance between rights and obligations, which are described in the opinion Kamerman and Kahn (1979) which explains the 6 components or subsystems and social welfare, namely: (1) education, (2) health, (3) equity income, (4) employment services, (5) housing, (6) personal social services.
Should Pekka its environment, especially in thinking about the common good (not just thinking about myself). He must quickly build wealth and increase income to his men that all his staff were able mengasilkan large output with adequate quality.
Is a large capital for the leadership, because leadership is not successful due to great leadership, but because mempuni has a staff that led the drive to achieve success according to the organization's goals, because it is fitting if the leader is always thinking about the welfare of his staff.
Honorary Tebaga and Employment contracts for managing an auxiliary force, because it's welfare to consider, Labor Contract is in desperate need of attention, especially potential contractors, in terms of new income to the regional minimum wage, or to East Java Rp. 1,300,000.
THE LABOR OR EMPLOYEES TO tripled the part:
Ketigakan on the part of labor is very cheap and BPPKB severe environment, but the government has set a minimum wage minimum wage of Rp. 1.300.000, -
In order for the labor on the part of ketigakan can work well with large output it should be noted kesejahterannya.
1. Labor on the part of ketigakan should not need to be tendered.
2. Ketigakan labor on the part of budgeting is a personnel should if budgeted Rp. 2.000.000, - that after taxes, medicines, CV services, and other bits of others can be up to the relevant minimum wage of Rp. 1.3 million means that if they get paid at the minimum wage as set by the government means they can live in a decent suit minimum wage.
Current issues in budgeting is often inconsistent and less
b side with them, just budgeted Rp. 1.300.000, - just when they are on the side of ketigakan, so wages of labor on the part of ketigakan only between Rp. 400,000 to Rp. 600,000 only, and selilisih of the government-set minimum wage salary ranges (Rp 700,000 to Rp. 900 000). The difference of the taken for contractor services, cleanliness drug purchase, taxes, fees dlll tender.
The impact of that contractor can not hire employees of Rp. According UMR 1.3 million set by the government, therefore it is fitting that contract labor is a concern on the part ketigakan us together because life is very poor and it is difficult, there should be improvement in budgeting.
To improve the well-being I think the effort we have to do within the BPPKB are:
Cooperatives must be built with a complete business licensing, so that the procurement of goods, consumption procurement, construction, retail, rehabilitation, maintenance, cafeteria, savings and loan unit, Procurement and Construction of the employees, etc. can be done cooperatives whose results can be used for the welfare of members.
Prov Unit Unit BPPKB Java that can generate money to be built, unit UPT units to be built are:
Women's Empowerment Unit by Unit open service beauty salon and Fitness Unit UPT, UPT Unit handling gender violence, Unit Education and Training Unit,
Unit UPT family planning services and health clinics UPT units other units that produce BPPKB Office
Improving Internal pengandalian adequate system, so that funds are funds ......... can be enjoyed together.
. Java Prov BPPKB Korpri organization should go ahead and roads, in all activities and programs to improve the welfare of civil servants BPPKB.
. Asking Funds Funding to other countries, for the development and eradication of poverty BPPKB Humanitarian prov jatim
By: Drs. Ec. Rus Budijono. MM. Accountants., IFRS
State Register of Accountants D 50,867
Supervisor Auditor at Public Accounting Firm SWD & Partners
Need attestation services and Service Tel. 087852832767 Email: rusbudijono@Ymail.com
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