Assalamu alaikum Wr Wb, Sabda rasulullah :
Sabda Rasulullah:
Sabda Rasulullah:
" barang siapa
yang tidak memperhatikan anak yatim sungguh bukan ummatku", kebetulan saya
; Drs. Ec. Rus Budijono. SE., MM., Akuntan., IFRS, mempunyai anak asuh anak
yatim 4 orang, 1 orang yang saya sekolahkan sudah lulus SMA mau masuk ITS, dan
3 orang mash SD, semuanya asal pamekasan, barangkali diantara Bapak/ Ibu/sdr
ada yang mau berpartisipasi dapat menghubungi saya secara langsung, atau
salurkan amal ibadah anda ke rekening Bank Jatim Cabang utama Surabaya No
rekening: 0012920687, Insyaallah seluruh amal ibadah bapak ibu diterima dan
mendapatkan rakhmat dan balasan dari Allah Swt,
Wassalamu alaikum wr wb,
Hormat saya:
Drs. Rus Budijono. SE., MM., Akuntan., IFRS
Telp. 087852832767, 081216511484 email:
Assalamu alaikum Wr Wb, word of the prophet:
Words of the prophet::
"Anyone who does not pay attention to orphans really not my ummah", happened to me; Drs. Ec. Rus Budijono. SE., MM., Accountant., IFRS, have foster children orphans 4 people, 1 person who has graduated from high school I was educated going in ITS, and 3 SD mash, all Pamekasan origin, probably between Mr / Mrs / sdr nothing wishing to participate can contact me directly, or vent your deeds to the bank account Surabaya East Java main branch account No.: 0012920687, God willing all deeds father's mother and getting grace and received a reply from Allah,
Wassalamu alaikum wr wb,
Yours sincerely:
Drs. Rus Budijono. SE., MM., Accountant., IFRS
Tel. 087852832767, 081216511484 email:
CARES orphans
Words of the prophet::
"Anyone who does not pay attention to orphans really not my ummah", happened to me; Drs. Ec. Rus Budijono. SE., MM., Accountant., IFRS, have foster children orphans 4 people, 1 person who has graduated from high school I was educated going in ITS, and 3 SD mash, all Pamekasan origin, probably between Mr / Mrs / sdr nothing wishing to participate can contact me directly, or vent your deeds to the bank account Surabaya East Java main branch account No.: 0012920687, God willing all deeds father's mother and getting grace and received a reply from Allah,
Wassalamu alaikum wr wb,
Yours sincerely:
Drs. Rus Budijono. SE., MM., Accountant., IFRS
Tel. 087852832767, 081216511484 email:
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